Tag: Sophie Paturle Guesnerot

The Climate Committee of France Invest (former Cleantech Club AFIC), chaired by Sophie Paturle-Guesnerot gathered together on 20 February to take stock of the year 2018 and discuss the outlook for 2019. The programme of the evening was focused on figures and trends of companies in the sector of ecological transition accompanied by Private Equity

Eric Marty and Olivier Bordelanne also had a major role in organising the event. Entrepreneurs on stage but also in the room to discuss the transformation of real estate and building. It is at the same time a considerable economic weight, close to 20% of the GDP and environmental even higher (between 25% and 45%

Sophie Paturle-Guesnerot represented Demeter at the roundtable “Private Equity for Green” as part of the Climate Finance Day 2018. The other participants were: Dominique Gaillard, CEO Ardian and Chairman of France Invest; Martin Skancke, President of Principles for Responsible Investment; Anette Eberhard, Managing Partner, PKA AIP; Andrée-Lise Méthot, CEO of our Canadian partner, Cycle Capital.