Etiqueta: Sophie Paturle Guesnerot

Sophie Paturle-Guesnerot represented Demeter at the roundtable «Private Equity for Green» as part of the Climate Finance Day 2018. The other participants were: Dominique Gaillard, CEO Ardian and Chairman of France Invest; Martin Skancke, President of Principles for Responsible Investment; Anette Eberhard, Managing Partner, PKA AIP; Andrée-Lise Méthot, CEO of our Canadian partner, Cycle Capital.

Sophie Paturle Guesnerot partipates in a TV set organised for the 15th Anniversary of Actu-Environnement, and addressing the topic: «Politics, business, media: has the environment made its way?» The round table gathers David Ascher,  director of publications for Actu-Environnement, Corinne Lepage (former Minister for Environment), Isabelle Veyrat-Masson, Sophie Paturle-Guesnerot. To watch the TV show, please

Sophie Paturle Guesnerot and Eric Vincent spoke yesterday 29 August at e5t University in La Rochelle to present the role played by private equity in financing ecological and environmental transition. Founded by Myriam Maestroni, e5t Foundation is now one of the leading think tanks specializing in the issues of climate change and ecological transition. This